Magma Structures
6 Months
Brightlingsea, Essex, UK
Build plug and split female mould tool suitable for high pressure bladder moulding of yard arms. Design build method and finish two prototype booms.
On completion of our works in Brightlingsea the mould tools were shipped to Tuzla in Turkey where Magma’s staff completed a further 16 yard arms.
The two prototype yard arms are still in use on Maltese Falcon.
The build method for the plug utilized laser cut MDF frames and cedar strip planking sheathed with bi axial. E glass. To build the symmetrical section an upper section was completed before release from the floor for turning to enable finishing of the complete section.
A split GRP mould was taken from the plug, the two halves being joined with a ‘hinge’ to enable the rolling of one halve onto the other for joining.
We apologise for the poor quality of many of the photos in this series. However due to the uniqueness of this project we feel it worthwhile to save and share them.